quickly go from struggling to being confident as a parent
with This Irresistible System to Guard and Guide Your Teen Successfully
What if you could learn a simple science-based shortcut to your teen's emotional brain that would help you eliminate the stress of parenting and get your teen to listen and cooperate?
Dr. Ter-Nikoghosyan's unique and simple, but powerful science-based FORMULA brought peace and laughter back into her family and will do the same for yours. Instead of hard-to-remember long lists of Do’s and Don’ts, you get a FORMULA that helps you:
Avoid three mistakes of the information era
Irresistibly catch your teen’s attention and KEEP it
Guard your teen from mistakes and guide them towards solutions and more choices
See immediate results, and have your teen listen and cooperate any time you speak
BONUS: You will remember to use the formula every time you speak with your teen.
PLUS, the skills you learn from this book are applicable on anyone: potential clients, bosses and even mothers-in-law.
Parenting teens can be nerve-wracking. It can leave you feeling entrapped in worry, anger, frustration and self-doubt. Parental stress levels often match those of people suffering from post traumatic stress. In PTS, usually a one-time trauma causes the stress, whereas in parenting it is the on-going daily stress that is the threat, the one that can bring out the ugly in you.
Can you imagine having the skills to guard and guide your teens so effectively that they will not succumb to negative peer pressure or activities that could ruin their health and future?
parenting teens can be as stressful
simple yet powerful formulas
to pivot your teen's behavior fast
By researching different behavior modification disciplines, Dr. Viktoria Ter-Nikoghosyan has put together a unique Shift Teen Behavior Now SYSTEM. This SYSTEM teaches you how to use immediately applicable FORMULAS to go from hopeless struggle to never having to worry about your teen now and in the future again while saving money and time on therapy and medication.
She has put the SYSTEM to the test with her own daughter and taught it to clients, who say that it works miraculously!

Use this Proven
Irresistible Formula
to Get Your Teen
To Cooperate
and Avoid the Wrong Crowd and Bad Choices
One of the best pieces of advice about parenting that I have ever received.
Cathy, Scarsdale, NY

My rate is $600 per hour... I’m currently offering a limited number of 45-minute low-cost, $97, Get Your Teen to Cooperate Strategy Sessions with me to identify your unique circumstances.
During this Strategy Session I focus on 3 main areas:
What are the hidden challenges that might be sabotaging your ability to get cooperation from your teen,
What kind of behavior and what kind of relationship you want to have with your teen, and
What you can do to start getting your teen to listen and cooperate right away.
With these recommendations you can start reconnecting with your teen right away and bring peace and laughter back to your family.
You can schedule the Strategy Session here
Look for my new book soon!

and Viktoria's new book WANT YOUR TEEN TO LISTEN?
I successfully use the concepts of Viktoria's book in communication with people of all ages, be that a five-year- old kid, teens or independent well-developed adults. And it always works!
Narine Karamyan, Writer/ poet/ artist
The beauty of the book's approach is its astonishing simplicity and the ease of applying the suggestions. With the help of this book, I was able to repair the broken communication with my teen. I am so happy!
I recognized so many of the feelings you write about especially - and worst of all - a huge sense of failed parenting. The skills you teach are useful no matter what stage of parenting we are in!
JV, lawyer & EMBA
Gayane Hovakimian, Mother/Professor,
New York, NY
If you have a teenager in your family you owe this book to yourself. Full of practical advice, powerful techniques, and real-life examples that can help you connect with your teen as it did for me with my 17-year-old son.
Jennet Appova, UN Officer
Viktoria's strategies for helping me guide my son to make good decisions have been invaluable. Instead of arguing, we now envision good outcomes that work for both of us. This has really shifted my ability to help him achieve his goals.
Julie Scott, Nutritionist/ Attorney/ Mother, Palo Alto, CA
It’s the perfect practical tool that helps me be the best parent for my child. It’s a combination of art and science that you can use immediately to change how we speak to our teens and ourselves.
Pru from Massachusetts
Many clients have come to me with various challenges, ranging from broken hearts, depression, anxiety and traumas. What I realized was that many of these clients were parents of teens and once we resolved the relationship difficulties with their teens, then all other challenges either disappeared or could be dealt with more easily.
I was hit by a curve ball in parenting. When my daughter hit her teen years, she gradually began to drift away. Despite my decades of research, professional experience as a Personal Development Coach and personal experience with successfully raising two happy older sons, I was desperate to reconnect with her. I had the skills to bounce back and be calm and in control of my behaviour, but I realized that I was lacking some additional parenting tools needed in this new reality of information overload. This all motivated me to find and develop the missing tools that I call formulas.
The Formulas I teach you in the SHIFT TEEN BEHAVIOR SYSTEM helped me to get out of the struggle and uncertainty with my teen, enabling me to build a path back to my daughter in just a couple of weeks. With these Formulas, I maintain my daughter's trust so that she feels comfortable coming to me when she needs guidance or advice. Of course, we still have minor disagreements, and she isn't always happy with my decisions, but she knows that I have her best interests in mind. We spend more quality and happy time together, and she wants us to have matching tattoos!
I have taught the formulas from the SHIFT TEEN BEHAVIOR SYSTEM in workshops around the world and the responses from parents were all positive. I was encouraged to publish my formulas to help more parents at one time. The book "WANT YOUR TEEN TO LISTEN?" provides the perfect opportunity to learn about one of my three Formulas that will start you on your way to having instant irresistible impact on your teen to cooperate and finally bring peace to your family.
Here's just one example of how effective the Formula is. One of my clients called me in panic because her son's academic performance was declining dramatically in his second year of college. This was on top of his increasing disconnected behavior. He would answer his parents' texts barely every other week with a short 'yes' or 'no'. After reading the book in two hours and having two short sessions with me on the same day, the client was able to reconnect with her son. She had a one hour conversation full of laughter with him and then he called her in a couple of days to share what was going in his life!
The formula in the book is irresistible and has instant impact and you can use it right after you finish reading the book!
why I focus on parenting teens